Intelligence Cloud Platform R&D Results Certifications

Intelligence Cloud Platform

Intelligence power and electrical fire hazard alarm and operation and maintenance cloud platform

  • Internet of Things + is a major national strategy

    • On September 8, 2016 - G20 Hangzhou Summit "emphasizes the digital economy"

      On October 18, 2017, Digital China was mentioned 8 times in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

      On December 16, 2017, the 2nd World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, Zhejiang mainly promoted the network power, and identified the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing as the national development strategy

    • On September 15, 2017 - Made the strategic deployment of "promoting the development of digital economy and platform economy"

      The 2018 government work report emphasizes digital economy, Internet+, informatization, and intelligent manufacturing

      On March 10, 2016, it was emphasized that we should continue to promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and promote the wide application of big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things.

    • On July 4, 2015——The State Council issued the guiding opinions on actively promoting the "Internet +" action, and eight ministries and commissions jointly issued a document to attach importance to Internet +: creating a new ecology of the Internet of Everything. In "Made in China 2025", the ten-year program of the "Strengthening China" strategy

  • Difference between smart electricity use and traditional electricity and fire protection products

    Traditional power and fire protection productsIntelligence electricity


    Early warning

    Failure analysis

    National networking

    Cloud service


    Simple construction

Power efficiency cloud platform and enterprise energy conservation management

  • 12 function modules 32 sub-functions
